Working hours and expenses analysis for Commercials Production Companies
- Video Tutorial (Click here)
- Analysis for +27 types of data
- Wide Screen - Full HD
- Preview images are included
- Free Font & Icons
- Easy Customize
- All objects and database are Fully Editable
Dashboard Contents & Analysis:
- Total Budget Allocated
- Total Agreed Hours with employees
- Total Actual Hours employees spent
- Percentage Actual Hours employees spent
- Total OPEX Invoice Hrs. Paid
- Percentage Total OPEX Invoice Hrs. Paid
- Analysis for Extra and Missing working Hours by employees
- Total Extra paid
- Total Extra hours
- Total Missing paid
- Total Missing hours
- Analysis for overall employee details
- Total Employees
- total Employees by gender with percentage
- Employees by Positions (Cameraman, Assistant, and Coordinator)
- Employees by Nationality
- Doughnut chart for Paid vs Unpaid Salaries.
- percentage vs Unpaid percentage
- Expenses per Month highlights for highest amount
- Line Chart for Actual Working Hours vs Invoice
- Slicers for Employees names
- Slicers for Employees Names.
Package Includes
- Excel – XLSX format (327KB)
- Three sheet tabs (Database, Pivot tables, and Dashboard)
- Instruction File
- Help & Contents File
- Light Theme
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